Dec 2, 2010

A Look back at my Shellac

A few weeks ago my girlfriends and I travelled to the deeps of downtown Toronto to experience SHELLAC Manicure brought to us by our friends at Ritual Spa. I first heard of this Shellacing nail polish application almost a year ago from a fellow nail polish enthusiast at All Lacquered UP.

I couldn't believe 2 weeks of chip free, high shine, no breaks, no maintenance nails. What was I going to do with all this free time? How about work my nails to the tips and see how strong this Mani really was.

First I have to touch on Drying time, there is none! No dry time equals no smudging no having your manicurist dig into the depths of my bag for my wallet. No waiting. (score 2 points!)

Yolonda is up first

This Product has been on the market for almost a year and the only thing the collection is missing is variety. We had 12 colours to choose from. I went for what I thought would get me into the Holiday season "Wild Fire", a bright rich red. I was also thinking a perfect neutral red. I guess to me there is such a thing.

After answering our 30+ questions our manicurist let us in on her secret that regular nail polish might MIGHT last the same amount of time. Her proof was on the thumb a Rich Brown that reminded me of Essie's Little Brown Dress(so hot). She says, get this- 10 days. I'm planning on risking my mani next time for something fresh and new...might just bring my own.

Some photos. I have to remind you first, my job some days seem like a constant trip to the sink to wash my hands , wash my hands, wash my hands. Hey even if your not a nurse I would suggest, recommend and swear by this simple technique to stop the spread of germs..OK, Picture time.

Shine that couldn't stop shinning!


This is Day 1, kinda looks like day 11!

This happens to be day 3 when I decided to have a party, The occasion when asked - Friday. The amount of chopping, cleaning, flipping, frying, baking and more cleaning plus a wee bit of scrubbing. These nails kept there shine and integrity.- i need to relax I'm talking about nails, but this is exciting stuff.

Ici, Max, she's great! What a awesome organizer. When she told me she was moving I knew I wanted to help.

WE cleaned 2 stoves, to kitchens, to fridges, 2 sets of cupboards (more at the new place which even I was excited about).
My nails, laughing at me because I doubted their strength and stability. SHOCKING...

later that day.Yes, it's dim

And yes,Still SHINE!

put these hands to bed...

The Next few days I was busy at work, one clinic...25 feet? that's not possible, anyhow. Alot of hand washing, alcohol wiping, instrument clinking, finger work. No budge. Unbelievable to on lookers and myself. This Shellac Manicure is the truth!

Removal...they suggest having a technician remove. I just got technical.

It was so nice/ weird to see my naked nails again...what came next...lil brown dress & sew psyched rich and delish!

Nov 24, 2010

Let's Join the conversation on Men's Health with The Cupcake Place

Heres your chance
If you haven’t already heard, The Cupcake Place is hosting a Movember MoParty on Monday, November 29, 2010. This will be a great fourm to talk about Men's Health, ask questions, share experiences and educate ourselves on the topics that race to the top of the charts in men's health. Cancer.
See you Monday! Just Click Below!

Nov 15, 2010

Movember, A month dear to my Heart

I share my loss in the hopes we can share in the load to remove the cause of our losses.

It has been just over a year since I lost the first love of my life, My Grand Father John Webster Maucklin Walker. It started with prostate cancer over 7 years ago.After diagnosis it seemed to be the fastest most fearful and questionable years of my grandfathers life. Will it come Back? How long will I have?Will this be Grandpa's last Christmas? Happy to just sit with his grand kids and great grand kids any given day nurturing with love and commitment to respect and loyalty. I must say that if it wasn't for my mothers observation, critical thinking and fast action towards early detection, we may not have been to enjoy his love for the last six years of his life.
We all miss Grandpa, My Big sister has a way with words and more recently began to share her thoughts and feelings with the world, Thanks Chris.

Sep 20, 2010

Walking for Life in The Weekend To End Women's Cancers

On September 11th we Walked, and Walked and then had lunch. Then walked some more. The call to walk came to me from a co-worker who like so many of have been affected by the life altering and for the most part, always devastating effects of the "C" word. "CA" to those in the medical world and disgustingly on its own Cancer.
Unfortunately like most problems in this day and age the more money you throw at it the more likely it will go away. Now, the good part. Over 4500 women and men joined together for this 2 day foot numbing but life-changing walk and together raised over 10 Million dollars for Cancer research!
I'll let the photos do the rest of the explainging. exciting. challenging. emotional. action

So much respect has been given to all the survivors who participated in the walk. Their stories were inspiring and there experiences are the reason we need to help.
We all walked for the same reason but all of us have had a personal experience that compelled us to take part. Our own Family, our friends, our friend's families, our family’s families. Our future. Our Past, our Hopes

Sep 2, 2010

Cupcakes for Cancer-Heeling Soul and The Believe Team host Cupcake Sale

Here are a few Photos of the cupcake sale we Hosted at The Scarborough Retirement Center.In Hopes to raise money towards Research at The Princess Margaret we contacted The Cupcake Place. With their sweet donation of pretty-tasty cupcakes we were able to reach and surpass our fundraising goal of $13 500.00 . We did it, now the hard part.... We walk in the Weekend To End Women's Cancers. September 11, 2010. 32kms.
Walk off all those cupcakes I had when I thought no one was watching ;)

If your wondering how I iced 300+ cupcakes...I didn't do it alone, Thanks Yo, Max, Tru, Carm! you guys were so sweet to take you time and help

Jul 15, 2010

"Meet You at the CARWASH!"

Hot, Sunny, and Dry- What a perfect day for a car wash.

On July 10th we couldn't have asked for a better weather for our charity car wash.

As we leap toward our fundraising goal for The Weekend to End Women's Cancers we filled our buckets and got wet for Cancer research!
Thanks to all the volunteers who came out and made the day a joy to be a part of.

The community came through and we sent them off shining!
For more pictures click on the link below:

Sweet Support in the form of iced tea and lemonade

Jul 7, 2010

Spreading Wellness

On June 10th, Orchard Villa Retirement invited Heeling Soul to participate in their Health and Wellness fair. It was an awsome day of spreading the word about healthy foot care, healthy living and the importanceof taking care of our tender toes.
Check out some of the pictures captured by copy and pastingthe link below from our friends at SNAP Pickering

May 8, 2010

Apr 30, 2010


Our Spring Spa @ The Scarborough Retirement center was a real hit! Here are some of the pictures!
This was her first Manicure and Nail Polish Application EVER!
Yolonda's all smiles while she welcomes our spa guests

We had a lovely time!

Ms. Sheena from Touch of Bliss working hard while raising money for The Weekend to end womens Cancer

Apr 29, 2010


I was browsing about and was so turned on and out by all the creative nail designs people are rocking these days. Im all for it. The Brighter the better this season! Live outside the box. Try something new! make some noise with you polish!


So Sweet, as seen on jacflash