Nov 24, 2010

Let's Join the conversation on Men's Health with The Cupcake Place

Heres your chance
If you haven’t already heard, The Cupcake Place is hosting a Movember MoParty on Monday, November 29, 2010. This will be a great fourm to talk about Men's Health, ask questions, share experiences and educate ourselves on the topics that race to the top of the charts in men's health. Cancer.
See you Monday! Just Click Below!

Nov 15, 2010

Movember, A month dear to my Heart

I share my loss in the hopes we can share in the load to remove the cause of our losses.

It has been just over a year since I lost the first love of my life, My Grand Father John Webster Maucklin Walker. It started with prostate cancer over 7 years ago.After diagnosis it seemed to be the fastest most fearful and questionable years of my grandfathers life. Will it come Back? How long will I have?Will this be Grandpa's last Christmas? Happy to just sit with his grand kids and great grand kids any given day nurturing with love and commitment to respect and loyalty. I must say that if it wasn't for my mothers observation, critical thinking and fast action towards early detection, we may not have been to enjoy his love for the last six years of his life.
We all miss Grandpa, My Big sister has a way with words and more recently began to share her thoughts and feelings with the world, Thanks Chris.